SMASHDOCs 2.17 - Release Notes

February 19, 2025

Dear SMASHDOCs friends,

we are excited to announce that a new version of SMASHDOCs has finally come out. We’ve been working on it quite a while and the whole team has done its best to bring it to perfection.

Let`s dive in and see all the perks of this update.

1Permanently delete documents in the system

Finally, authorized users can finally delete documents from the system in review mode.

The document can be deleted immediately and after a certain time. After the final deletion process has started, relevant users will be notified via email. In addition, all active users in the system can keep track of which documents the final deletion is in.

Button "Delete completely" highlighted in the context menu

However, the deletion process can also be cancelled by the authorized users as required.

More detailed information can be found here: Module "Permanently delete documents in the system"

2Asynchronous export

Asynchronous export is a solution to the problem of downloading a file and while waiting for download completion not being able to continue working on the document.

With our brand-new "asynchronous export" functionality, you can now start editing your document shortly after clicking on the document export button. As soon as you have clicked the export button, a new "download icon" will appear near your avatar showcasing that the download process has been started. Further, this icon does not only notify you when your download will be completed but also keeps downloaded files available in the list of downloaded files for a specific number of days (by default - three). Within this period, you can still download any of those files.

Download icon and list of download files highlighted

As soon as there is an ongoing download process, a spinner and a respective message are being displayed near the download icon. The spinner will keep spinning until the download is completed.

Message about the start of export process highlighted

In contrast, if the download of some files failed, you can also track it down in the list of downloaded files.

More detailed info about the asynchronous export can be found in our Basic Manual here Asynchronous export of files.


Since SMASHDOCs exclusively focuses on document processing and collaboration, we have developed a dashboard to help you manage the process of finalizing your document on a step-by-step basis. Starting with drafting, proceeding with internal reviewing and negotiating of documents, and, their completion. Here`s an exemplary dashboard in SMASHDOCs:

Dashboard highlighted

Dashboard functionality can be built upon the requested workflow and thus, have custom filters and a relevant result list. For instance, on your dashboard, you can track:

the processing status of your documents, as:


Internal review




timing of your documents regarding the set deadline:

on time: >10 days until the due date

time-critical: 1-10 days until due date

overdue: < 0 days until due date

Besides, every change of the document processing status and due date are being recorded and you can trace them in the audit trail at any time.

Audit trail highlighted

The dashboard page is also being updated in real-time, meaning if you edit document metadata, move your document to a particular project, change its status, or the due date - result list gets readjusted accordingly. More detailed information about dashboard functionality can be found here Module "Dashboard".

4Tracking changes in formatting

From now on, apart from changes in content, formatting changes are tracked as well, both in paragraph and inline styles. Thus, each style change creates a new version of the component.

Unseen changes in paragraph formatting are instantly visible, whereas style changes are shown in the message above the component.

Changed paragraph style of the component highlighted

Unseen changes in inline formatting are highlighted both in text and table components. Style change in separate words gets framed in blue, in the whole component - get a one-piece blue border. Also, changes both in paragraph and inline styles are displayed in component history and in the comparison report.

Changes in the inline formatting of the text and table components highlighted

Furthermore, the new filter "Only style" has been added to filtering changes functionality. Since changes in formatting cannot be decided upon, this filter is only available for unseen changes. When processing changed components, you can activate this filter individually or combine it with either "Users" or "Content" filter.

Filter "Users" combined with filer "Only style"

5Bibliography search and redesign

We keep improving our bibliography functionality and this time we have two major updates here:

Search in databases

Improved user interface

Search in databases, allows browsing for desired citation either in

1.Crossref database (general sphere)


2.Pubmed database (medical sphere)

You can receive reference sources just by inputting a search phrase. And if both databases are activated, the search results will be combined both from “Crossref” and “Pubmed”.

Search in databases highlighted

A nice bonus - the user interface of the bibliography has been majorly redesigned. Now, not only does it look more user-friendly and sophisticated, but you can also have an overview of citation details in a separate window. For instance, the source type, title, author(s), year and date year are being separately framed and always visible. All the other data about the citation can be easily scrolled.

Bibliography interface highlighted

6Options "Case sensitive" and "Exact spelling" added to advanced search

Both "Case sensitive" and "Exact spelling" have been added to the advanced search functionality. The following parameters can be used to make your search results more precise, namely

If the parameter "Text sensitive" is on, the upper- lower-case letters will be considered as different symbols.

If the parameter "Exact spelling" is active, the search results will fully correspond to the text in the search-box: the spaces, upper- lower-case letters and identical spelling will be taken into account.

Search term alongside options "Case sensitive" and "Exact spelling" highlighted

7If going back from comments details to the comment list, your starting point will be highlighted

We know how crucial this improvement has been, once you happen to have a super long comment list in your document. Now when you open a particular comment in detail and then go back to the general comment list, the comment you started with will be highlighted. Yes, also when you scroll your comment list up and down.

Starting comment highlighted in the general comment list

8New footnotes

Footnotes in SMASHDOCs are no longer managed in a standard way but have been transformed to the so-called "Footnote text components" visible right under the component they relate to and actually are similar to the text components.

Footnote text components each containing two lines highlighted

Now, the text component is considered as a leading one and forms a pair with the related footnotes. Hence, if you move the leading component, the footnote text components will also be moved. In this case, SMASHDOCs automatically adjusts the numbering of the moved footnotes.

More about new footnotes functionality can be found here: Module "Footnote text component"

9All-in-one report

A new type of export is now available in the list of available exports, namely the PDF All-in-One Report. It includes all the information about changes while editing the document that you would ever want to track, as all the history and all the comments, visible for the current user. The generated all-in-one report will approx. look like this:

Title page of all-in-one report highlighted

10Electronic signature

With each new update version, SMASHDOCs gets closer to being the platform where you can manage your documents starting from an absolute scratch and bringing it to absolute perfection. No other tool is needed in the process. An electronic signature is one of our final touches.

In collaboration with the electronic signature tool, Signaturit, being embedded into SMASHDOCs, you can effortlessly sign your digital communications with other users or your agreements with another counterparty.

eSign process highlighted

Not only is the eSign process quick and easy to operate, but it also guarantees the legal security of all your digital transactions.

11New export comments tab

This conversation functionality was requested multiple times and it is finally here. We have added a new tab to the comments functionality to grant you a quick overview of the comments in your document that have been marked as visible in export and thus will be exported to Word.

Export tab highlighted in conversations

Not only does this tab guarantee you that none of the comments you would not like to export slides into the final exported document but also from this tab you can easily go to the desired comment and take the checkbox for visible in export out. The list will automatically be readjusted accordingly. Have total control over what information lands in your exported document.

Ready to check out the newest updates?

If you’re already a SMASHDOCs user, test them out.

Not a SMASHDOCs customer yet? Check out our website for all the details

If you have any questions, comments, or additional feedback email us at