Service description - Module: Projects

October 12, 2024

[A]Module: Projects

Preliminary remark

The module "Projects" is not included in the standard version of SMASHDOCs and can be added optionally.

1Project metadata

1.1Project name

1.2Due date (optionally)

1.3Processing status

(a)In progress


2Project settings













2.5Numbered paragraph styles



3Create, edit and delete a project

3.1Create a new project.

3.2Edit metadata of a project.

3.3Delete a project.

4Manage project documents

4.1Add SMASHDOCs documents to a project

4.2Change the document order within a project

4.3Delete documents from the project

5Merge documents during export

5.1Select project documents and merge them into one export file

5.2Available export file formats

(a)new SD document



(d)More file formats (e.g.) can be added by using a Partner App

6Tab "My projects" on the home screen

6.1The list of projects


(b)In progress


6.2The metadata of each project

(a)Project name


(c)Due date

6.3The list of documents

(a)File name


