Service description - Module: Side Notes

February 19, 2025|Nataliia Berdychevska

[A]Module: Side Notes

Preliminary remark

The module "Side notes" is not included in the standard version of SMASHDOCs and can be booked as an option.

1Create, edit and delete a side note

1.1Create a new side note at cursor position in a text component

(a)Required role: Suggest, Approver

(b)Cancel the creation process

1.2Edit side note

(a)Required role: Suggest, Approver

1.3Delete a side note

(a)Required role: Suggest, Approver

2Formatting options for side note content




2.4Strike through




2.8Small caps

2.9Clear format

3Inline objects inside note content

3.1Insert weblink

3.2Insert cross-reference

4Control how side notes are displayed in the editor

4.1Side notes are displayed as icons

4.2Side notes are not displayed

5List of side notes

5.1List of all side notes in the document

(a)Show list of all side notes in the document

(b)Search side note in list

(c)Navigate to component with a side note after clicking on a list entry

5.2List of all side notes in a text component

(a)Show list of all side notes to a text component after click on a side note icon in a text component