Service description - Module: Division Separators

February 19, 2025|Nataliia Berdychevska

[A]Module: Division Separators

Preliminary remark

The module "Division Separators" is not included in the standard version of SMASHDOCs and can be booked as an option.

Configuration of preset list and division separators can take place within the scope of the technical and functional possibilities individually according to customer specification.

1Insert, edit and delete division separator

1.1Insert division separator

(a)Required role: Suggest, Approver, Document Admin

1.2Select division separator in the preset list

(a)Default preset list "IPO Prospectus US":


(ii)Prospectus Front Cover


(iv)Explanatory note


(vi)Main Part


(viii)Prospectus Outside Back Cover

(ix)Part II



(b)Set the name

(c)Set page numbering

(i)Add prefix

(ii)Select format

(iii)Add suffix

(iv)Restart numbering

(v)Continue numbering

(vi)Select alignment




(d)Add frame

(e)Can only be used once per document

(f)Show preview

1.3Create new division separator

(a)Insert name

(b)Insert key

(c)Set page numbering

(i)Add prefix

(ii)Select format

(iii)Add suffix

(iv)Restart numbering

(v)Continue numbering

(vi)Select alignment




(d)Add frame



(e)Can only be used once per document



(f)Show preview

1.4Cancel the process

1.5Edit division separator

1.6Delete division separator

2Display of division separators in the document

2.1Display selected division separator at the desired point in the document

2.2Display metadata of division separator:

(a)Counting rule








(g)Once per Document



3List of division separators

3.1Provide sub-tab "Separators" to tab "Directories"

3.2Show list of all division separators in the document

3.3Search a division separator in the document list of division separators

3.4Navigate to component with a division separator