Service description - Mobile App

February 17, 2025|Nataliia Berdychevska

[A]Mobile App

Preliminary remark

SMASHDOCs mobile app is available for both iOS and Android operating systems.

1Workspace Functions

1.1Add workspace

1.2See the list of added workspaces

1.3Switch workspace

1.4See the number of documents with unseen changes/conversations in each of added workspaces

1.5Select workspace



(c)Request new password

(d)Change app language

2User Account Functions

2.1Edit metadata

(a)First name

(b)Last name

(c)Company (optionally)

(d)Position (optionally)


2.2Change the app language

2.3Change the password

2.4Request a new password

2.5Delete user account


3.1Profile menu

(a)Open user profile

(b)Show list of workspaces

(c)Help center


(e)See app version

3.2Document list

(a)Display in list form the documents in which the user is actively involved

(b)Filter document lists




(c)Search for documents, folders, and document tags or all of them

3.3Documents in the document list

(a)See documents in draft mode

(b)See documents in review mode

(c)See documents with unseen changes/conversations

(d)Mark document as opened

(e)Mark document as read

(f)Move a document to a folder

(g)Duplicate a document as a new draft document

(h)Move a document to personal trash

3.4Personal folders

(a)Create a folder

(b)Edit a folder

(c)Delete a folder

3.5Personal trash

(a)Display documents in the personal trash as a document list

(b)Open a document

(c)Restore a document

(d)Empty trash

4Editing a document

4.1Add content

(a)New paragraph under/above the selected component

(b)New image under/above the selected component

4.2Edit paragraph (only components without any changes and inline elements can be edited)

(a)Add content

(b)Edit content

(c)Delete content

4.3Add new conversation

(a)Insert topic

(b)Insert message

(c)Visible for:


(ii)Select users

(iii)Only for me

(d)Decide upon the priority

(i)Priority 1

(ii)Priority 2

(iii)Priority 3

(iv)No priority

(e)Mark a conversation as resolved

(f)Create conversation only for chosen point in text (for iOS users only)

(g)Edit metadata of a conversation

4.4See existing conversation to the component

(a)red for unread conversation

(b)blue for read but not resolved conversation

4.5Show history

4.6Add bookmark

4.7Remove bookmark

4.8Add a component tag

(a)Tag a single component with different types of tags

(b)Edit component tag

(c)Remove component tag

4.9Copy component link

5Tools within a document

5.1Show directories

(a)Search content for:


(1)Apply filter by levels

(2)Navigate to component on click on ToC item





(vi)Component tags

(vii)List of side notes (only if the module "Side notes" is activated in the system)

(viii)Index (only if the module "Index" is activated in the system)

(ix)Equations (only if the module "Equations" is activated in the system)


(a)For documents in review mode only

(b)Mark all changes as seen

(c)Mark changes in chosen components as seen

(d)Move up/down to the nearest top/bottom component with open or unseen changes

(e)Accept changes

(f)Reject changes


(a)Get the list of all conversations in the document





(b)Mark all conversations with unseen changes as seen

(c)Read conversation

(d)Answer to the conversation

(e)See related content

(f)See and change metadata

(g)Search for a required conversation

(h)Use the function "Advanced search"

(i)Choose a creator

(ii)Insert topic

(iii)Insert message

(iv)Indicate priority


(a)Available in review mode only

(b)Get the list of users that are present in the document




(c)Edit user role





(d)Edit user rights



(iii)Component history



(e)Invite users

(f)Decide upon the role and rights of invited users

(g)Write a personal message that will be sent to the invited user (optionally)

(h)Users will receive invitation and message per e-mail

5.5Document options

(a)In draft mode:

(i)Change metadata of the document


(2)Cover page / title





(ii)Track changes

(iii)Share document

(iv)Share document link

(b)In review mode:

(i)Mark all changes as seen (if there are any)

(ii)Accept all changes (if there are any)

(iii)Reject all changes (if there are any)

(iv)Change metadata of the document

(v)Share all draft components (if there are any)

(vi)Mark all conversations as read (is there are any)

(vii)Create an announcement

(viii)Share document link