Service description - Audit Trail HTML

February 19, 2025|Nataliia Berdychevska

[A]Audit Trail HTML

Preliminary remark

The export type "Audit Trail (HTML)" is not included in the standard version of SMASHDOCs and can be booked as an option.

1Process to create an HTML Audit Trail

1.1Required right: Export

1.2Select file format "Audit Trail (HTML)" in export menu

1.3Start the creation process

(a)Select the way of exporting:

(i)Generate Zip archive

(1)Download the exported Zip archive from the list of downloads, as soon as the file is ready

(ii)Generate URL

(1)Open the link of HTML page from the URLs list as a separate tab in a browser, as soon as the link is ready

1.4Delete URL

(a)Delete one URL in the list

(b)Delete all URLs in the list

2Information included in the HTML Audit Trail

2.1Date of creation of the document

2.2Name of the initial creator of the document

2.3Users contributing to the document


(b)First name


(d)Role in the document at the time the report was prepared

(e)Is Document Admin at the time the report was prepared



(f)Is active at the time the report was prepared



2.4History to a text component, component versions

(a)Suggested changes

(b)Accepted changes

(c)Rejected changes

(d)Changes of the paragraph styles

(e)Changes of inline styles

(f)Finally deleted components

2.5History to an image component

2.6History to a table component

2.7History to an equation component

2.8History to a comment which is visible for current user


(b)Main comment

(c)Meta data

(i)Processing status

(ii)Visible for

(iii)Visible in export


(v)Component version, to which comment has been left

(d)Open changes to a text component


(i)Footnote history

(ii)Comments to footnotes

(f)Inline equations and history to inline equations

(g)Inline files



(ii)Main comment


(iv)Changes to comment's metadata

(v)Replies to a comment

(vi)Time and date of creation

(vii)History to a comment which is visible to a current user.