Module "Component tags"
Component tags can be defined as a specific marker type used in SMASHDOCs for the selective highlighting of information. Thus, tagged components create the guidelines for searching specific data in the document later on.
Component tag types and fields per type can be configured individually for each system depending on their needs and preferences. It can also be configured individually whether a specific component tag type can be assigned multiple times or only once per component.
A component tag can be assigned to text, images, formulas and table components. With the component tags, a user can tag any component regardless of its type e.g. simple text component, text component with a web link, an image with a limitless number of component tags per one component. Additionally, the component can be tagged with different types of tags, whereas every tag type can have any number of tag-type specific fields:
●text fields
●radio buttons
Besides, the component tags can be exported and/or imported in sdox file.
2Editing and Display
To create a new component tag, a user should have a role of suggest or approver. Right-click on the component and select the option "Component tag" in order to create a new component tag.

Dropdown menu with the option for creating a component tag highlighted
For example, component tag "Status" helps to mark tasks as still in to do, in progress, in review or already done.

Creating of the component tag highlighted
All of the component tags in the group "Status" are additionally marked with respective colours as blue for "In Progress". This allows a user to distinguish right away which tasks/parts in the document are already finished and which are still pending.

Tag-type "In Progress" highlighted in text
Let`s also have a closer look at our component tag "Priority". It includes three levels of prioritization when pointing out of primary issues is needed e.g. in legal contracts, agreements, directives etc.

Component tag type "Priority" highlighted
Right-click on any type of component tag and several options will be provided in the drop-down menu, including:
●Editing the tag (changing the category inside the chosen tag)

"Edit component tag" highlighted
●Deleting the tag

"Delete" option for a tag highlighted
●Showing component tags list with the list of all tags used in the specific component.

"Component tags" highlighted
NB: To be able to insert, change or delete a tag, the user has to have the role "Suggest" or "Approver".
As we've mentioned earlier, the component tags can be applied to the formulas in the same way.

Component tags for formula highlighted
A unique component tag can be added only once to the formula component.
3Directory for component tags
Using tags also enables an easy navigation in the document with the "Show directories" button. NB: This is possible only if the "Component Tags" module is enabled in the system.
To get an overview of all the different tags in the document, simply go to the panel from the left and click on the "Show directories". Then choose "Component tags" from the dropdown menu under the three dots icon.

"Show directories" and "Component tags" buttons highlighted
Here you can search in the list of component tags for a particular tag you need.

"Search in all component tags" highlighted
Click on an entry in the component tag directory and you'll be directed to the corresponding component in the document.

Selected component with the tag highlighted
The same look for the Table of contents you observe when adding a component tag for the formulas.

Component tags for the formula in ToC highlighted