SMASHDOCs 2.27 - Release Notes
1Admin UI: showing total amount of users
Starting from this version, in Admin UI page in the tab "Users" there will be shown total amount of users that are registered in the system. This information is placed near the details about user limits and internal user domains.

Showing total amount of users in Admin UI
This number is updated each time there are some changes in the number of users in the system.
2New cleanup routine for removing empty columns from the table
A new cleanup routine "Remove all empty columns in IPO table" has been implemented. By running this routine all empty columns will be deleted from the table.
How a table looks before running the cleanup routine:

Table with empty columns
The outlook of the table after performing the routine to remove empty columns:

Table without empty columns
The cleanup routine works both with layout and data tables.
3Admin UI: new tab "Magic Import"
New tab has been added to the list of tabs in Admin UI settings.

Tab "Magic Import"
If the feature "Import with automatic numbering recognition" is active on your system, in the tab "Magic Import" you can set the configuration for such kind of import. For that just upload a JSON file with the required configuration. To check and edit the settings, click on a string that is displayed under the heading "Type" and you'll see the styles in each numbering logic.

Display of styles in each numbering logic
You can also download a JSON file with Magic import configuration.
4Admin UI: showing total amount of selected users
Along with the display of total amount of users in the system, you can also get an overview of the number of selected users. Thus, from now on the amount of users is shown separately after choosing any filter "Pending invitations", "Internals", "Externals", "Active", "De-activated", "System admins".

The amount of users relating to the selected filter "Active"
If you deselect the filter, the field "Total amount of selected users" will become empty.

Behavior of the field "Total amount of selected users" after deselecting filters