SMASHDOCs 2.23 - Release Notes

February 19, 2025|Nataliia Berdychevska

Dear SMASHDOCs users!

We are glad to announce that new features have been released with the new 2.23 version. First of all, these functions are to make editing complex documents much easier and faster, thus, to save your time while working with such kind of documents.

Further we will introduce each feature that became available to use in SMASHDOCs and all its peculiarities.

1Division separators

A new option has been implemented in SMASHDOCs in terms of new release, that is called "Division separators". Division separators are tools with the help of which you can separate various parts of your document. This is useful for such cases when parts of a document are not connected and should differ e.g. by the way of numbering pages or page orientation.

To add a division separator you need to place cursor at the desired point in the document, open the Plus-menu in the upper toolbar and choose there "Insert division separator".

The option "Insert division separator" displayed

After that the preset list appears, in which you have to select a required separator and set the name for it.

Modal dialog to insert division separator

On the right side of settings you can set page numbering, which will be applied for pages that will be separated by an added division separator. You can set prefix, suffix, format of numbering, alignment, decide whether numbering should be restarted or continued. Apart from that, you can add frame and decide upon uniqueness of the division separator - whether it can be used only once per document. After setting all required fields, you will see the preview, how page numbering will look like.

After inserting, division separator will be displayed in the document with all its metadata.

Inserted division separator in the document

Also, you can create an individual division separator. For that you have to select an option "Create new", insert name and key for the newly created separator.

Note: there are certain limitations for inserting a key:

the input is allowed only with small letters, capital letters, numbers and underscore;

underscore symbol must be inserted after each word.

Name and key of a new division separator

Settings for page numbering for the case of creating an individual division separator stay the same, as for the case of selecting a division separator from the preset list.

You can also find inserted in document division separators in the list of directories. Just click "Show directories" on the left toolbar and there find and select "Separators".

Option "Separators" in the list of directories

By clicking a separator the document will navigate to the corresponding place where this separator have been inserted.

2Financial tables

From now on, apart from usual tables that can be created in SMASHDOCs editor, financial tables can be displayed in the document, as well. Financial table is such a kind of tables, which differ from usual tables by its structure, namely, by displaying currency cells and special shrift style for headers.

Display of currency symbols in the financial table

Supported currencies in financial tables are dollar with the corresponding $-symbol and euro with the €-symbol. Currency symbol is displayed on the left side of a cell to indicate which currency is applied in this case, whereas percentage sign is displayed inside the content of a cell after inserting.

You can also apply different border styles in financial tables. The following styles are available:


Single bottom

Double bottom

Editing content in the financial table is also possible. Just click on the table, choose the option "Edit table" and start the process. Editable cells will be highlighted in color that has been configured in the system as primary color.

The option "Edit table" displayed

All changes can be followed then in table history, unseen table view and comparison report.

3Shortcut for option "Clear format"

A new key combination for an option "Clear format" has been implemented. Now, in order to apply a shortcut to clear formatting you need firstly either to select text with applied format or to place cursor in the middle of the word with applied style and then apply key combination "Command+D", if you work in iOS, and Ctrl + Space, if you work in Windows OS.

Option "Clear format" to which new key combination is applicable

4Improvements in export type "Audit Trail"

There are also enhancements in the export type "Audit Trail" with the new version. Namely, it relates to the display of HTML report and the possibility to delete the URL with report from the URLs list.

Button to delete the URL with the report "Audit Trail (HTML)"

From now, along with already existing details, the following points will be displayed in the "Audit Trail" report, as well:

footnotes, footnote history and comments to footnotes;

exact time of comment creation in user’s time format;

open changes for text components;

history to inline equations;

inline files with the possibility to download.

5Displaying preview image while selecting numbering logic during import Word documents with automatic numbering recognition

There is a brilliant improvement in the function of Word import with automatic numbering recognition. Now, before importing you can see a preview image of a numbering type that you have chosen for your document. In this preview the default page is displayed with the example of applied numbering, thus, preview image gives you chance to see how your document will look like after uploading. In case you want to change the numbering logic, switch to another one and take a look on a preview image of this logic, as well.

Preview image of the selected numbering logic

6Restoring versions of a component with footnotes

From this time, it is possible to restore versions of components that contain footnotes from component history. The only thing is important to mention, that only review footnotes are revertible, footnotes in draft mode will be deleted completely after restoring a leading component.

Restoring version of a component containing a footnote

7Improved tab "SDOX Templates" in Admin UI page

There are certain enhancements in the tab "SDOX Templates" in the Admin UI page. From now on, you don't need to add paragraph and inline styles into a new SDOX template anymore. Instead, after adding a template to the list of templates you can start editing it and in the parts "Paragraph styles" and "Inline styles" tick with a checkmark those styles, that should be available in this template afterwards.

The list of paragraph styles in an SDOX template

Also, there is a possibility to mark export formats and export templates, which should work for documents created on the basis of this template during exporting process.

Export settings in SDOX templates

8PDF Export via Publishing API

New export option is available now for getting documents in PDF - export PDF via Publishing API. This type of PDF export is applicable, if certain required templates are set for this in the system.

To use this type of export, just select the option "Export" in the left toolbar and there find the option "PDF via Publishing API".

The option "PDF via Publishing API" highlighted

As soon as exporting modal window opens, confirm the export and get your PDF file in the list of downloads in the upper right corner.