SMASHDOCs 2.22 - Release notes
Hello, SMASHDOCs friends!
We're always pleased to notify you about crucial changes and improvements that come with each release, and now it turns to the set of features in the new 2.22 version! So, now we are eager to introduce an important integration, feature enhancements and new functions that have been implemented to make your experience with SMASHDOCs more satisfying.
Let's take a look, what becomes available for you in SMASHDOCs with the new release.
1MS Excel 365 integration
MS Excel has been integrated with SMASHDOCs for our users to be able to edit Excel tables directly from SMASHDOCs editor. To start working with an Excel365 option in the editor you should firstly set the connection between Excel table from your OneDrive account and SMASHDOCs. For that you need to upload a special XML-file in Excel as Office Add-In.

Option "Office Add-ins" highlighted
After uploading the file, SMASHDOCs sign will appear in Excel, which means that the connection has been successfully set and from now you can add the Excel table to your document in SMASHDOCs.

SMASHDOCs-sign in the Excel file
In the editor the option "Excel365 table" to add an Excel table in the document is placed under Plus-button in the upper toolbar.

Option "Excel365 table" displayed
After clicking this option, you will receive a window to insert the link of your Excel table.

Create Excel365 table in SMASHDOCs
The link of the table you can find in OneDrive above the table.

Link of the Excel table
To add the information from the table in Excel to the SMASHDOCs editor select the part of your table that should be displayed in SMASHDOCs and open the SMASHDOCs sign in the Excel. Then insert the name of the table and click "Copy current selection" in the line "Range", then press "Save & Push".

Obligatory lines "Name" and "Range"
The selected part of your table will appear then in the SMASHDOCs editor. The green Excel sign on the left side of the table in SMASHDOCs indicates that this table has been imported from Excel.

Green Excel-icon in SMASHDOCs editor
2Shortcuts for special characters
Now it is possible to insert such special characters in the document as "No-break space", "Soft hyphen" and "Six-per-em-space" through hotkeys. The sign "No-break space" can be inserted with a combination Ctrl + Shift + Space both in Windows and Mac operation systems; the sign "Soft hyphen" will be added with Ctrl + Alt + | in Windows OS, and with Ctrl + Command + | in MacOS; "Six-per-em-space" is possible to insert with Ctrl + Alt + Space on Windows OS and with Shift + Command + Space in MacOS.

No-break space, Soft hyphen and Six-per-em-space displayed
3New tab "Hyphenation Dictionary" in Admin UI
The new tab has been added to the AdminUI page, where hyphenation dictionary can be set.

The tab "Hyphenation Dictionary" highlighted
There you can upload a TXT-file with the list of words, for which certain rules of division into syllables are applied. After uploading the file, each word will be displayed in the Admin page with a straight line between syllables. This is how each word from the list will look like in the exported document while transferring a word to a new line. Note: this works only with exported documents to PDF (SRZ) format.
With the button "Download" you will get a JSON-file with the dictionary, that has been previously set in the AdminUI page, the button "Reset" removes the dictionary from the Admin page.
4Export documents in PDF Pagina Media with possibility to select a format
There has appeared an opportunity for SMASHDOCs users to export documents in PDF Pagina Media and choose the PDF format for exported documents. Now, apart from templates that should be chosen in the export modal window, you can also see the list of PDF formats which are displayed with radio buttons.

The field to choose a PDF format
You can choose only one format per document among the following:
After choosing all templates and PDF formats, start the exporting process and then get your PDF-file in the list of downloads.
Note: text of the document should be formatted with the paragraph decorator "Heading 1", for it to be displayed in the exported PDF file.
5Export documents in EPUB Pagina Media
From now on, the EPUB Pagina Media format for exporting documents is available. Just click "Export" in the document options, select the format "EPUB Pagina Media", then choose required templates for export and start the exporting process.

Option "EPUB Pagina Media" highlighted
The exported file will appear in the list of downloads.