SMASHDOCs 2.21 - Release notes

February 19, 2025|Nataliia Berdychevska

Dear SMASHDOCs friends,

we are glad to inform you about the newest SMASHDOCs release our team has just rolled out. The focal point of this release instead of new major functionality has been the increase of the editing velocity and boost of your overall user experience.

Let’s see what comes with this update. 

1Login page enhancement

Right now we're ready to present crucial improvements in the login page that will make your login processes much easier. Now you can:

choose the language of the page during login;

submit a support request directly from the login page, in case you've faced some issues with accessing your account;

look through the SMASHDOCs Data Privacy Statement and Terms of Use before logging in.

All required options you can find below the page.

Additional options on the login page highlighted

2Filters in the list of draft components

We're pleased to inform you that with the new version of SMASHDOCs you will be able to follow not only your own draft components, but also those of other users in your document. With the help of new filters "My", "Users" and "Other users" you can separate all draft components into groups of your own, of other users and of one/several particular users.

Filters in the list of draft components

Just click "My" - and you will see the list of your own draft components only. Activate the "Other users" filter - and the list of draft components, created by other contributors in the document will appear.

If you want to get an overview of draft components created by one particular user, then you should choose the "Users" filter, select the user there and click "Go". After that only draft components, added by the selected user, will be visible for you.

Options to select/deselect users

In case you deselect all users, the "My" and "Other users" filters will be deactivated and no draft components will be displayed in the list.

3Literature reference improvements

The bibliography function has been also optimized for you to follow the process of editing or deleting citations, as well as to get more structured overview of literature references in the exported Word document.

First of all, it is worthwhile to mention that in the SMASHDOCs editor it has become possible to track changes in citations in the component history. As soon as you have edited or removed a citation, these updates will be documented in the component history of a component, where the corresponding citation has been previously added.

Tracking changes in citations in the component history

Apart from that, now all citations are exported in Word in the form of clickable citation links.

The citation and bibliography in Word after the export highlighted

Click the citation - and a web page will open where the detailed information about the literature reference is displayed.

The information about the literature reference after clicking the citation link in the exported Word document

In case you have changed the link in a citation in your exported Word document and then re-import this document into SMASHDOCs, this link becomes no more valid as literature reference, thus is imported as a usual web link.

4New logic of functionality in the tab "Users" in AdminUI

There are also some changes in the AdminUI functionality, specifically in the tab "Users". So, if you are an administrator of the SMASHDOCs system and have access to the AdminUI page, you can find new options in the list of users. The first implementation is that now you are able to select several groups among "Pending invitations", Internals", "Externals", "Active", "De-activated" and "System admins" at once and get an overview of users with selected statuses.

Several groups activated at once

The other part of improvements is that with the help of new arrow-buttons in front of each column you can set the list of users otherwise, than you get this list right after opening the tab.

Buttons to change the order of users in the list

For instance, if you click the upper arrow-button in such columns as "First name", "Last name", "Email", "Company" and "Status", the list of users will be displayed in the alphabetical order then. In the column "Registration date" this button changes the outlook of the list in such a way that first are displayed users who were registered in the system the earliest. In columns "External" and "System admin" after clicking the upper arrow-button external users/system administrators are displayed at the top of the list correspondingly.

Once you click the arrow-button downwards, the list will acquire the opposite outlook from the result after clicking the upper button.

5Task management

We’re thrilled to present you brilliant implementation in the conversation feature. This is about a new function that helps users organise the process of reviewing documents much faster - the possibility to assign comments. While creating a comment you have an opportunity to assign it to any users in the document, including yourself, and set due date for task completing.

Fields "Assigned to" and "Due date" highlighted

Click on the "Assigned to" field and the following dialogue appears, where you can define which users are responsible for the comment. Thereby users can either be selected or deselected individually or all with one click.

Dialogue for definition of the responsible user

Also, you can mention users in the main comment field via "@". This makes them responsible for the comment automatically. If there are responsible users, there is also the option under "Visible for" to restrict the visibility of a comment to the responsible users and the creator of the comment quickly and easily.

Dialogue "Create new comment" - @mentioned users in main comment field

As soon as you have created and assigned a comment, all assignees will get notification in form of a separate tab “Comments assigned to me” in the left toolbar: red - if the due date is for today or overdue, black - if the date is for future or the task is without due date. Mark the assigned comment as resolved - and the tab will disappear from the toolbar.

Tab "Comments assigned to me" highlighted

In case you do not want to be informed about updates of the comment, choose an option “Stop notifying me about news” and you will not receive notifications about comment changes anymore.

The option "Stop notifying me about news"

When you’ve decided to get information concerning updates again, just click “Subscribe” then.

The option "Subscribe" marked

In addition, a tab "Due" has been added to already existing tabs "All", "Unseen" and "Pending". The tab "Due" shows comments which are overdue and have due date for today.

The tab "Due" highlighted

Tabs "Export" and "Resolved" are hidden under three dots on the right.

Tabs "Export" and "Resolved"

6Filters in the task management function

Along with the opportunity to assign comments, with the new version you can also search for the assigned comments for particular users and find unassigned comments much faster, with the help of the "Users" and "Unassigned" filters in the tab "Conversations" left.

Filters "Users" and "Unassigned" highlighted

If you need to see the list of comments which are assigned to any users in the document, activate the "Users" filter, select the required user, then click "Go" below and the list of assigned comments to this user will appear.

The list of assignees displayed after activating the "Users" filter

When you select all users in the “Users“ filter, all comments will be displayed, including unassigned.

In case you need to get the list of unassigned comments only, just activate the "Unassigned" filter.

Result of activating the "Unassigned" filter

7Upcoming system update notification

Another important function has been released - notifications about upcoming system update. You will be informed about corresponding date and time with two messages at different points of time: yellow message 3-5 minutes before update and red message 1 minute before with countdown. During the update you will be automatically logged out, since the system will be unavailable. After update has been completed, you will be able to re-login and proceed editing your documents.

Notification 3-5 minutes before update

Notification 1 minute before update

8Import PDF files and convert them into images

From now on, you have a possibility to upload of PDF files, convert all pages into images (.png format) in one step and in review mode you are able to control whether the newly created images are for draft or for review.

You can process PDF-files up to 1000 pages and a maximum file size up to 200 Mb.

Use the "+" button and a modal dialogue appears where you can choose PDF files from your computer and/or drag and drop them into a special upload area in the dialogue.

Tab "PDF" highlighted

Once you have defined PDF files to be uploaded, you can see a list of the PDF files in the modal dialogue. Here you can add more PDF files, delete selected PDF files in the list, change the order of the PDF files in the list, and enable the newly created image for review.

List of PDF files to be uploaded

After starting the import process, you can see a progress bar including the information:

how many pages are already converted and;

how many pages are still pending and not converted.

Once the import process is completed, the modal dialogue fades out smoothly and the result is shown in the editor.

Result after import

9HTML and All-In-One Report (HTML) export

We are glad to present a new feature to our users - the possibility to export HTML pages of documents and HTML of All-In-One Report.

HTML and All-In-One Report (HTML) export

You can perform HTML and All-In-One Report (HTML) export in two ways:

generate URL;

generate Zip archive.

If you select the option "Generate Zip archive", your file will be exported as any other exported files. In case you choose "Generate URL", the created link will be kept in URLs list, which you can find at the top right corner of the page.

URLs list

As soon as you click this link, it will open as a separate tab in browser.

Opened URL of the exported HTML page

Opened URL of the exported All-In-One Report (HTML)

The URL of HTML export is public, so that all users who get this link can view it. In addition, the generated URL will be kept in the page of your document forever, so you will have the access to it in any time!

10Importing documents into an SDOX template

Now during the import process you have an opportunity to decide, how to upload your Word and SDOX documents: to import a document in the usual way or to choose a particular SDOX template for this document. If you choose the second variant, then you can select one of previously configured for your system SDOX templates and then import your file.

Dropdown menu for choosing a template

After importing your document will have the same outlook, as it has been set in the corresponding template.

In case you do not need to import your document into any templates, then leave the field for choosing a template empty.

Field for choosing a template

Note: all templates are customized according to the users' needs, thus, differ for each system.

11Using original and low-resolution images during the export

New option has been implemented in the export process - now you've got an opportunity to select the size of images in your document: original images or low-resolution ones.

The option "Use low-resolution images" in the export modal

Since the export of documents with original size of pictures can take more time, using images with low resolution decreases the total size of your document, thus makes the speed of the exporting process faster.

So, once you need to export your file quickly, then activate the checkbox at the option "Use low-resolution images". Leave this checkbox empty - and your images will remain in their original size.

Ready to check out the newest updates?

If you’re already a SMASHDOCs user, test them out.

Not a SMASHDOCs customer yet? Check out our website for all the details

If you have any questions, comments, or additional feedback email us at