SMASHDOCs 2.13 - Release Notes
We are extremely happy to release the new 2.13 version of SMASHDOCs! As always, it includes a set of features our team worked hard to develop. So we are eager to receive your feedback after you finally get to try them out. But first, let`s have an overview of what`s new in your work with SD.
1Notification "What`s new"
Probably you got surprised once you`ve seen a red dot near your avatar after logging into SMASHDOCs. No worries, it`s just a notification that there is a bunch of new features inside of SMASHDOCs. And now, finally, you can reach our blog with Release Notes right from SMASHDOCs itself.
Basically, we added the option "What`s new" to the menu under your avatar. It directs you to the latest version of the Release Notes.
From now on you`ll always be informed about each new version of SMASHDOCs. Enjoy!
2SMASHDOCs in French
SMASHDOCs is broadening the list of our supported languages, so from now on you can also choose French as your working language.
3New options in the formatting settings menu
Control yourself how you would want the formatting settings menu to look like. All formattings can be displayed in the following way:
●all groups expanded (all styles visible)
●all groups collapsed (only groups names visible)
●all groups automatically collapsed
The formatting selected for the text component is now also displayed in the selected formatting window and highlighted blue amongst other styles in the respective group.
Also, you can now remove the paragraph style, clear the format or clear all styles right in the selected formatting window.
4WMF and EMF image formats
Taking into consideration your multiple requests, we enriched SMASHDOCs with the functionality to upload images both in WMF and EMF formats.
5Improvements in Comparison Report
Almost with every single version of SMASHDOCs the Multidocument comparison feature keeps getting updated and improved. In 2.13 release there are several upgrades in the comparison report, namely:
●only conversation entries with news are shown in the compared documents synopsys (starting from 2nd column)
●images / tables: changes in caption and in image are tracked separatly
E.g. if the change in image is detected, but the caption remained the same, the caption will not be shown in the comparison report. The same rule applies to the caption. If the change in image is detected, but the image itself is the same and only the caption changed, the image will not be shown.
You might be wondering how exactly do these improvements influence your document comparison process. Well, it eliminates any confusion you might have had while seeing the scope of comments/images/tables in your comparison report. And those weren`t the newly added ones. Also, it prevents the duplicating of the same content in the multiple compared documents.
6Formulas Export and Import to WORD
And here is another addition to our Formulas funcionality you have been constanly requesting. From now on the formulas are exportable and importable to / from MS WORD.
Here`s the example on how the exported formulas look like in WORD:
And here is the same document with formulas re-imported to SMASHDOCs:
7Map unknown styles
When you choose several WORD files to compare, we guarantee you that the comparison process will be as fast and convinient as possible. But we still want to provide you with the possibility to decide on the layout of the document on your own. You can of course leave it for SMASHDOCs to map the styles with the most suitable ones automatically or map the unknown styles with the ones you like manually.
In order to do so, you should tick the checkbox "check for unknown styles" in the Comparison report dialogue first.
If there is at least one unknown style in any of the docx files which should be compared, a modal with the possibility to choose the target style will show up.
8Clickable checkbox
This one is kinda self-explanatory. A checkbox is an element that can be used in the form-based documents, to indicate something as "yes" or "no", "done" or "not done yet" e.g. in the to-do list. To tick or untick the checkbox you have to simply click on it.
9Inline formulas
Another cool feature is inline formulas. We expanded fomulas functionality also with inline elements that can be added in the text and / or table components.
10Component menu duplicated in the toolbar
We duplicated the options available in the components menu to the toolbar mainly for two reasons:
1 if the component is located at the end of the page, using the buttons in the toolbar guarantees the quick access for making decisions
2 if you select several components and want to decide upon all of them, the buttons will be displayed in the toolbar as a general set of actions that can be applied to all of the selected components
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