Module "HTML Audit Trail"

October 12, 2024|Nataliia Berdychevska


Audit Trail is a type of report which provides you with the whole information about the document at every step of creation and editing it. The details that are displayed in this report are the following:

Date of creation of the document

Name of the initial creator of the document

Users contributing to the document

Whether a user is Document Admin at the time the report was prepared

Whether a user is active at the time the report was prepared

Open changes in text components

History to a text component, component versions

History to an image component

History to a table component

History to an equation component

Footnotes, footnote history and comments to footnotes

Inline equations and history to an inline equation

Inline files with a button to download a file

Comments and all details about comment:


Main comment;


Changes to comment's metadata;

Replies to a comment;

Time and date of creation;

History to a comment which is visible for current user.

Audit Trail (HTML) is a type of export of a document, having performed which you can get a link to a page with Audit Trail report. Further there are described all steps, where to find and how to get a document in the format of Audit Trail (HTML).

2Exporting document as Audit Trail (HTML)

To export a document in the format of Audit Trail as HTML page you have open document options, there find an option "Export" and select corresponding option in the export menu.

Audit Trail (HTML) in the export menu

After that, the dialog window opens where you have to decide in which form you would like to get Audit Trail of your document:

as URL

as zip archive

Ways to export a document as Audit Trail (HTML)

If you select the option "Generate zip archive", your file will be exported as any other exported files. After exporting process is completed, find this file in the list of downloads and download it.

In case you choose "Generate URL", the created link will be kept in URLs list, which you can find at the top right corner of the page.

URLs list highlighted

As soon as you click this link, it will open as a separate tab in browser. The exported document will look like a web-page.

Opened URL of Audit Trail (HTML)

The link can be deleted from URLs list by clicking a corresponding sign. If there are more than one URL in the list and you press the button "Delete all", all links will be removed from the list.

Button to delete the URL with the report "Audit Trail (HTML)"

During deletion, you will get a notification that the link will not be accessible anymore after you delete it.

Notification during deleting URL

After clicking "OK", the link will be deleted. If you decided not to proceed with deletion, click "Cancel" then.