Module "Financial tables"

October 12, 2024|Nataliia Berdychevska


Financial table is a type of tables that can be created in SMASHDOCs editor, which contains additional functions for delivering financial reports. Financial tables in SMASHDOCs provide a possibility to record detailed accounting information within a single table and highlight important parts of it.

Further the main peculiarities of financial tables are described.

2Displaying financial tables in the document

The main difference between the layout of a common table and financial table in SMASHDOCs editor is availability of currency cells and set script in headers as bold by default. Supported currencies in financial tables are dollar with the corresponding $-symbol and euro with the €-symbol. Currency symbol is displayed on the left side of a cell to indicate which currency is applied in this case. You do not need to insert a currency symbol in the content of the cell, as far as it will not be displayed after saving. However, the percentage symbol is a part of content and will be displayed in the cell after inserting and saving.

Display of currency symbols in the financial table

You can also apply different border styles in financial tables. The following styles are available:


Single bottom

Double bottom

SDOX export and import, as well as Word export are possible for documents with financial tables.

3Editing financial table

To edit content of financial table, click on the component with the corresponding table and select the option "Edit table".

The option "Edit table" displayed

While editing a table, it is possible to add or remove rows and columns in any place in the table you need. For that select a row or a column and open context menu with a right click. Two available options "Insert" and "Delete" will appear, select the required one.

Inserting or deleting rows

Apart from that, the following settings are available in the opened modal window:





Positioning of text in a cell:




Merging cells

Separating cells

Border type


single bottom

double bottom

Leader column (0 - 5)

Cell styles

standard (0 - 5)






Available settings while editing a table

With double-click on a cell, a cell content editor opens where you can edit and format content in the cell.

Cell content editor

The following styles for formatting the text are available:





You can also clear format by selecting a corresponding option in the cell content editor.

Option "Clear format"

As soon as all changes have been made, do not forget to click "Save".

Apart from that, before saving a table you can insert table name and table caption separately.

Table name and table caption displayed

Note: fields "Table name" and "Table caption" are optional, table will be successfully saved without inserting these credentials, as well.

As soon as all changes are completed and saved, you can follow these changes in:

table history

Changes displayed in table history

unseen table view

Changes in table in unseen view

comparison report.

Changes in table in comparison report

Note: all changes inside the table are instant-approved, so they cannot be accepted or rejected. It is also possible to add comment only for the whole table, not for a certain cell.

4Excel Roundtrip

It is also possible to export financial tables in Excel and update data tables in SMASHDOCs editor through Excel tables.

To export a table in Excel, open dropdown menu of a corresponding table and choose the required option.

Option "Export as Excel file (.xlsx)" highlighted

The exported Excel table will be immediately downloaded. Financial table styles are also exported to Excel and are displayed in "Cell styles - Custom" category. Percent is displayed in "Numbered format" category. Exported table styles can be further applied in Excel during editing the table.

Categories "Cell styles - custom" and "Number Format"

To update an existing financial table via Excel file you have to open dropdown menu of a table and select there the option "Update via an Excel file (.xlsx)".

The option "Update via an Excel table (.xlsx)" marked

The modal window appears where you have to upload a file from your device or drag&drop it.

Field to upload an Excel file

Before the Excel table is imported, you'll firstly get a preview of changes that have been performed in Excel and will be implemented in the editor.

Preview of changes in the table

In case there are no changes between tables in Excel and in the editor, the table won't be updated and you'll get the following message:

Notification in case of absence of changes in the table

While updating table through an Excel file, make sure you have chosen correct file format. Otherwise, you'll receive the following notification after uploading:

Notification about wrong file type

It is also important to mention that for the selected Excel file to be imported correctly, the following prerequisites should be taken into account:

imported Excel table should be the same size as the existing financial table in SMASHDOCs;

Excel table should contain the field "Table name";

Excel table should contain valid fields "ID" and "Range".

If any of the required data are missing, you'll get one of the following notifications:

Messages about missing data