Document Assembly + SMASHDOCs: technical concept
Document Assembly + SMASHDOCs
●DA: Third-party Document Assembly software
1Basic Authentification
Depending on the DA readiness for Third-party integration we should select one on the possible ways of authentification:
1.1OAuth 2.0
We are using ORY Project for the OAuth 2.0 implementation on our side. For the Token management the ORY Hydra is used. Here are the docs:
●Flow description:
●Swagger docs:
●Full documentation:
●Detailed protocol description: including the Bearer Token Usage -
1.2Quick & dirty solution
Hardcoded endless token will be provided by SMASHDOCs.
2Get list of interview templates for a user
DA should provide SMASHDOCs with a list of interview templates available for the user in the following (or similar) form:
"id" : "9cf2f2ee-34-34232-2-4", // ID of the Template
"name" : "User Agreement", // Name of the Template
"url" : "https://..." // URL of the Template
3Show interview
DA should provide SMASHDOCs with an URL to the interview based on the selected template (See 2. SMASHDOCs will open the URL in the new tab.
In a case user is not authorized in DA, the Log-in screen should be shown to user. After successful login attempt user should see the selected interview.
4Hand-over of WORD document to SMASHDOCs
A word file can be imported to SMASHDOCs using the following requests. Please make sure that you replace the variables shown like "<var>".
The <accesstoken> and the <system> variable will be provided by SMASHDOCs. See 1(Basic Authentification).
All other variables you will get from the context of the regarding previous request.
5Import Word-File
Request URL: https://<system>
Request Method: POST
authorization: <provided accesstoken>
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
Payload: Word file
{"importId": "<import-id>"}
5.1Process Word-File
Request URL: https://<system><import-id>/process
Request Method: POST
authorization: <provided accesstoken>
5.2Import Word-File
Request URL: https://<system><import-id>/import
Request Method: POST
authorization: <provided accesstoken>
Content-Type: application/json
Payload: <dummy json mapping provided by SMASHDOCs which fits to demo word file. See example in 5.4 >
{ [...] documentId: "<document-id>" [...] }
5.3Set Metadata
Request URL: https://<system><document-id>/metadata
Request Method: POST
authorization: <provided accesstoken>
Content-Type: application/json
Payload: {metadata: {filename: "<filename>", title: "<title>", subtitle: "<subtitle>", description: "<description>", footer: "<footer>"}}
{ [...] documentId: "<document-id>" [...] }
5.3.1Place Document to Root folder
Request URL: https://<system>
Request Method: PUT
authorization: <provided accesstoken>
Content-Type: application/json
Payload: {"documentIds":["<document-id>"],"parentFolderId":"root"}
5.3.2Redirect to SMASHDOCs
5.4JSON Import Mapping
Please find below the of SMASHDOCs standard word template style mapping (JSON format).
"heading 1":{
"heading 2":{
"heading 3":{
"heading 4":{
"heading 5":{
"Image Caption":{
"SD Anlage":{
"SD Bibliography 1":{
"SD Code":{
"SD Cover page - Subtitle":{
"SD Cover page - Text bigger":{
"SD Cover page - Text smaller":{
"SD Cover page - Text standard":{
"SD Cover page - Title":{
"SD Drafting note - blue":{
"SD Drafting note - Bullet point 1":{
"SD Drafting note - Bullet point 2":{
"SD Drafting note - Heading":{
"SD Drafting note - NumList 1":{
"SD Drafting note - NumList 1.1":{
"SD Drafting note - red":{
"SD Drafting note - Text":{
"SD Heading - Directory":{
"SD Heading - Directory (no ToC)":{
"SD Heading - num 1":{
"SD Heading - num 2":{
"SD Heading - num 3":{
"SD Heading - num 4":{
"SD Heading - num 5":{
"SD Heading - num 6":{
"SD Heading - Sub 1":{
"SD Heading - Sub 2":{
"SD Heading 1":{
"SD Heading 2":{
"SD Heading 3":{
"SD Heading 4":{
"SD Heading 5":{
"SD Heading 6":{
"SD Infobox 1 - Bullet":{
"SD Infobox 1 - Heading":{
"SD Infobox 1 - List numbered":{
"SD Infobox 1 - Text":{
"SD Infobox 2 - Bullet":{
"SD Infobox 2 - Heading":{
"SD Infobox 2 - List numbered":{
"SD Infobox 2 - Text":{
"SD Introduction - Heading":{
"SD Joker 1":{
"SD Joker 2":{
"SD Joker 3":{
"SD Joker 4":{
"SD List - Bullet 1":{
"SD List - Bullet 2":{
"SD List - Bullet 3":{
"SD List - Bullet 4":{
"SD List - Bullet 5":{
"SD List - Bullet 6":{
"SD List - Dash 1":{
"SD List - Dash 2":{
"SD List - Dash 3":{
"SD List - Dash 4":{
"SD List - Dash 5":{
"SD List - Dash 6":{
"SD List (indented) 1-1":{
"SD List (indented) 1-2":{
"SD List (indented) 1-3":{
"SD List (indented) a-1":{
"SD List (indented) a-2":{
"SD List (indented) a-3":{
"SD List (indented) i-1":{
"SD List (indented) i-2":{
"SD List (indented) i-3":{
"SD List (simple) 1-1":{
"SD List (simple) 1-2":{
"SD List (simple) 1-3":{
"SD Party 1":{
"SD Party 1.1":{
"SD Party 1.1.1":{
"SD Preamble 1":{
"SD Preamble 1.1":{
"SD Preamble 1.1.1":{
"SD Quote":{
"SD Quote - Author":{
"SD Smart list §§§ - 1":{
"SD Smart list §§§ - 2":{
"SD Smart list §§§ - 3":{
"SD Smart list §§§ - 4":{
"SD Smart list §§§ - 5":{
"SD Smart list §§§ - 6":{
"SD Smart list 1 - Paragraph 1":{
"SD Smart list 1 - Paragraph 2":{
"SD Smart list 1 - Paragraph 3":{
"SD Smart list 1 - Paragraph 4":{
"SD Smart list 1 - Paragraph 5":{
"SD Smart list 1 - Paragraph 6":{
"SD Table - Legend":{
"SD Table - Legend numbered":{
"SD Teil":{
"SD Text - Summary":{
"SD Text 1 + SideNr":{
"SD Text 2":{
"SD Text 2 + SideNr":{
"SD Text 3":{
"SD Text 4":{
"SD Text 5":{
"SD Text 6":{
"Table Caption":{