Module "Bibliography"

October 12, 2024


A bibliography is a list of all the used sources (whether referenced or not) in the research process such as books, articles, records, speeches, interviews, websites, etc. In general, a bibliography entry includes:

the authors' names

the titles of the works

the dates the copies were published

the page numbers etc.

The main advantages of bibliography are the following:

any number of bibliographies with any number of citations can be created

bibliography is document-related

citations can be placed within text components if required.

Each user can insert, change and delete bibliographies in draft mode; to do this in review mode the user should have the role Suggest or Approver.

The bibliography usually appears at the end. But in SMASHDOCs you can indicate yourself, where exactly in the document it should be placed as bibliography is a free positionable list of citations.

2How to create a new bibliography

There are three options to create a new bibliography in SMASHDOCs: on the "Citation" button in order for Bibliography Management Page to appear and select "New bibliography".

Button "Citation" highlighted in the toolbar

Creating new bibliography highlighted

2.go to the list of bibliographies, click on the "Citation management" button for Bibliography Management Page to be displayed and then select "New bibliography" (see Image 2)

Citation management button highlighted in table of contents

3.go to documents settings, click on "Edit" button near Bibliography and then select "New bibliography" (see Image 2)

Edit button highlighted near Bibliography

The other way to add bibliography in a document is through the opened context menu at the required position in the text.

The option "Add citation" in context menu

After clicking "Bibliography" there appear two extra options "Open bibliography" and "Online search".

"Open bibliography" and "Search online" highlighted

The option "Open bibliography" leads to creating bibliographies and literature entries by manual inserting. The option "Online search" leads to searching for a citation in literature databases.

Search in literature database

In case there is only one search result, autoselection will take place. After creating a certain reference there appears a modal window where you have to confirm, whether you would like to proceed with searching or to end the search process.

The confirmation dialog window

In case of a duplicate there will be notification in the dialog that the reference already exists in the document.

Confirmation dialog window in case of a duplicate

You can also start searching in database after selecting some text before pressing on “Online search“. The search will be started and search results will be displayed. You will have an ability to choose whether you want to replace selected text in the editor with a citation link.

The option to replace marked text with the reference

If this option is selected, as soon as you add a citation link to the selected word in text in review mode, the word will be marked with redline as deleted.

Citation link added to the selected word in text

If you want to leave both the word and the citation link, reject this change.

The number of bibliographies alongside the number of citations in the bibliographies to be created is not limited in SMASHDOCs.

Note: if user tries to add a citation with the option "Online search", firstly, the system checks if there isn’t one already in user’s bibliography. If there is one, the same citation will not be added to user’s bibliography and the existing one will be inserted from bibliography to the editor instead. This process allows to avoid bibliography duplicates in the document.

2.1Formats of a bibliography entry

Bibliography entries must be written in a very specific format, that depends on the particular style of writing followed. The following citation styles are supported: MLA, APA, IEEE, Chicago and ISO-690. Here`s an example:

MOORE, Keith L., AGUR, A. M. R. and DALLEY, Arthur F. Essential clinical anatomy. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011. (ISO 690)

In order to create a bibliography, title and citation style are to be entered.

Choosing of citation style highlighted

Please note that additional citation styles can be configured upon request.

2.2Where to find created bibliographies

Created bibliographies that can be inserted in the text are to be found in the list of directories.

List of created bibliographies that can be inserted as a free positionable directory

Bibliography is also available in the table of contents. In this case, only bibliographies already used in the document are being displayed.

Bibliography highlighted in the table of contents

3How to create a new citation

After bibliography has been created, next step is to create citations by clicking on "New citation" button.

Button "New citation" highlighted on the Bibliography Management Page

Also you can create a new citation by selecting a position in the text and choosing "Citation" in the toolbar or by using key combination "Ctrl + Shift + T".

Citation creation by choosing "Citation" in the toolbar

The creation of an entry can be done by:

1.Manual input (form-based)

Types of literature entries highlighted

2.By search in databases (see in paragraph 2)

Search in Crossref database (general sphere)

Search in Pubmed database (medical sphere)

3.By import as BibTeX file

Creating new literature entry via importing of BibTex highlighted

After literature entries are created or imported, you can select one or a few of them and insert in the text. After insertion, such literature entries get the tag "Used". Respectively, all entries are divided into tree groups:



Not cited

All, cited and not cited literature entries highlighted

3.1Where to find literature entries

On the bibliography management page, you can see:

all bibliographies in the document (1st column),

all literature entries of a bibliography (2nd column) and

all details to a selected literature entry (3rd column)

You can also search for a specific literature entry in the search field at the top right. If the search term repeats itself in literature entries from different bibliographies, citations including such search term will be found in all of those bibliographies.

Search highlighted

This is how literature entries with citation style "IEEE" look like in the text:

Literature entries highlighted in the text

3.2Where created citations are displayed

Once you click on the bibliography in the table of contents, all citations from this bibliography will be displayed alongside the number of times they were used in the document. If you click on that number, it will lead you to the text component where it was inserted.

Component with literature reference highlighted

The presentation of literature entry in the document can also easily be controlled in SMASHDOCs. To change its layout, go into the document settings. There you can choose whether it should be displayed with numbers or not to be displayed at all.

Presentation of literature entry in the document highlighted

4Editing/deleting citations

Apart from selecting literature entries, you can edit or delete them both from:

the bibliography management page and

Edit/delete button highlighted on the bibliography management page

from the list of citations used in a paragraph

Edit/delete buttons highlighted in the list of citations used in a component

There is a crucial improvement in the display of information on authors. Instead of tags, this information is conveniently divided into their first and last names for a better overview:

Citation metadata highlighted

The function 'Delete citation' is also available in two ways:

by selecting "Delete" from the context menu to the citation on the BMP

by selecting "Delete" from the context menu to the citation in the list of all citations in a component.

Before deleting the citation, SMASHDOCs will always make sure you really want to delete it.

Clarifying question about deletion of citation highlighted

You can delete citations that either have or haven't been used in the document yet.

5Editing/deleting bibliographies

Bibliography can also be deleted by going to the Bibliography Management Page as described below. You can delete a bibliography with or without citations.

Edit/delete button highlighted for bibliography

In this case, you will also be cautioned by SMASHDOCs that bibliography is to be deleted and whether you are sure about it.

Dialogue window about deletion of bibliography highlighted

6Separate placeholders for indices and bibliographies

There are also separate placeholders for indices and bibliographies. To find them you should click on plus in the toolbar.

Placeholders for bibliographies and indices highlighted

In the exported Word-document the list of references and indices will be displayed in the same place as bibliography and index directories have been added in the editor.

However, note that to be able to see these separate placeholders you have to insert at least one index and/or citation. Otherwise, the headings “Bibliographies”, “Indices” will not be shown at all.

7Exporting bibliographies

You can also easily export the bibliographies to the .docx file. Export to the Word is simple and effortless. Set up bibliographies according to the steps above. It will look like this:

The citation and bibliography in SMASHDOCs highlighted

Then you can go to the gear icon "Show document options", scroll till "Export", choose Microsoft Word and confirm the export.

"Export" field highlighted

"Microsoft Word" option highlighted

"Export" button highlighted

After the export you get the same citations and bibliography list in a Word document.

The citation and bibliography in Word after the export highlighted